ISO14001 (environmental management system) certification acquired for administrative and planning divisions and Tokyo head office.
We have introduced a system for managing the environmental impact of all our corporate activities (design and supervision), and have acquired ISO14001 certification for the Yamashita Sekkei Administrative Division, Planning Division, and Tokyo Head Office.
We employ the environmental management system in our design services to ensure environmental considerations are taken at all times. In August 2005 we switched over operation to the ISO14001:2004 version.
We are broadly and deeply involved in environmental conservation in our architectural and urban development work, in order to protect the beautiful, irreplaceable environment and pass it on in good condition to coming generations.
In promoting these activities, we endeavor to act in accord with the five basic policies outlined below.
- 1. Striving for environmentally conscious design and supervision
In designing buildings and supervising their construction, we consider the following important matters to the extent technically and economically feasible, actively promoting them with the client and the public.
- (1)Harmony with the environment
- In addition to seeking harmony with nature and the earth’s environment, endeavor to preserve and repair ecosystems by preserving and creating greenery.
- (2)Saving energy
- To minimize energy use by buildings, reduce the thermal load, use natural energy, make efficient use of energy, and actively employ various other energy-saving measures.
- (3)Long lifetime
- Make buildings more resistant to earthquakes and fire and more durable in use, as well as being flexible to functional changes and easily renewable, comfortable spaces that retain their value over time.
- (4)Use of eco-materials
- Use materials with minimal environmental impact, to help prevent ozone layer destruction, global warming, loss of rain forests, and harm to health.
- (5)Effective reuse and recycling of resources
- Use renewable and recycled materials, promoting reduction in and proper handling of waste materials.
- 2. Saving energy and resources and reducing waste materials in everyday operations.
- 3. Observing environment-related laws, ordinances, and treaties applicable to our operations, preventing pollution, and cooperating actively with the environmental policies of national and local administrations.
- 4. Setting environmental objectives and targets, conducting regular management reviews and internal audits, and working continually to improve the environmental management system.
- 5. Carrying out environmental education, making sure all employees understand the environmental policies, and working to raise their awareness of environmental issues.
- Applicable standards
- JISQ14001:2004 / ISO14001:2004
- Certification date
- February 28, 2000
- Revision date
- March 1, 2010
- Certificate number
- BCJ-EMS-0007
- Assessment and Certification Organization
- The Building Center of Japan (BCJ)